Randy Rascoe

  • Cold Case (Missing)

About Randy Rascoe's case

The investigation into Randy Roscoe’s disappearance began on November 19, 2015 at around 2:30p when Mammoth Cave National Park staff noticed his car had been stationary at the visitor parking lot for possibly 2 weeks. Due to Roscoe disappearing in the past, his family had not reported him missing.

On November 19, 2015, park rangers searched the vicinity surrounding the park’s headquarters, but Roscoe did not seem to be in the area.

Friday, November 20, 2015, the park staff, Edmonson County Emergency Management Director Pat Prunty, and seven volunteers from Edmonson County conducted a 1/4 of a mile radius search from the location of the visitor center parking lot – Roscoe was not in the area.

The following day, the search part expanded thanks to the volunteers from Hart County Rescue Squad, and Butler County Rescue Squad. Search dogs were used and rangers searched along sections of the Green River, with no success of finding Roscoe.

On Sunday, November 22, 2015, park staff and Edmonson County volunteers patrolled the Floating Mill Hollow, an area between Green River Road and the hotel, the area from a picnic area to Flint Ridge Road, and circled back to Green River, but Roscoe was still not found.

Roscoe had not contacted family for several months, and it is unsure if he would still be in the park.

According to source:

The family has asked for anyone with knowledge of Randy Rascoe and his whereabouts to contact the Park Watch phone line at (888) 219-1599, to leave a recorded message.

Details about his past disappearance:

Around 6 months prior to the 44-year-old’s disappearance in November, his sister stated that in May, 2015, Roscoe had cleared out his apartment in Bowling Green, Kentucky, left his job, and had his mail forwarded to a P.O box in Bowling Green. She also mentioned that he did not contact anyone about his plans, or where he was headed. Roscoe’s family filed a missing persons report, and he was later found in Washington in June of 2015. His reason for disappearing at that time was to get some privacy.

Personal Characteristics

Age / Ethnicity

Gender / Hair / Eyes

Distinguishing Marks

Not Available

Profession / Education

Not Available

Height / Weight


Not Available


Investigative Details

  • Foul Play Suspected: Unknown / Undisclosed
  • Suicide Suspected: Unknown / Undisclosed
  • Cause of Death: Not Applicable

Significant Dates

  • Reported Missing: Thursday, November 19, 2015 (9 years ago)
  • Date Found: No Date Available

Administrative Details

Monday, January 8, 2024 (7 months ago)

Missing NPF Public Identification Number (MPID) 10099

Missing NPF lists “Foul Play Suspected,” “Suspected Suicide,” “Cause of Death,” and other elements of data in association with public reporting. These settings do not reflect the opinions of Missing NPF and/or its staff. Unless explicitly noted, Missing NPF does not publicize opinion, nor are any of the initial reports written – or edited – by members of Missing NPF. All content (with the exception of “IMPORTANT” notices, listed toward the top of applicable case files) are the works of external persons, sources and/or entities. All pictures displayed on this case file have been downloaded from the public domain, unless a user has commented or otherwise transmitted a picture to Missing NPF or its social media accounts. Case updates are derived from external persons, sources, and/or entities, and do not reflect the internal work of Missing NPF, unless expressly noted.

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