Missing:  Sawyer Joseph West

Last Seen:  October 16, 2020

Location: Edmonds WA

Case: Medical Needs

Age at time missing:  29 yrs. old

Year of Birth:  1991

Stats: White, Male

Height:  5’9″

Weight:  150 lbs.

Hair Color:  Brown (light)

Hair Style: Short on the side; a little longer on top

Eye Color:  Blue/grey

Facial Hair:  None or stubble

Piercings:  Ears

Clothing:  Bright green hoodie, black wind jacket, blue jeans, tennis shoes,

Accessories:  American flag mask

Tattoos:  Very small cross on right forearm

Transportation:  Missing on Foot

If you see anyone who matches Sawyer’s description, you are urged to contact the Edmonds Police Department with the following information

  • Sawyer’s direction of travel

  • Clothing worn

  • Emotional State (if possible to ascertain)

  • How many others, if any, Sawyer is with and any descriptions discernible of that/those individual(s)

Edmonds Police Dept.
(425) 771-0200
Case #20-243-55

Sawyer was last seen in the 2090 7th Ave West area. He never returned back to his place of residence. Sawyer requires medication.

Police say Sawyer West was last seen Oct. 16, 2020 leaving a care facility in Edmonds. He reportedly left his personal belongings at the facility and has not been heard from since. According to police, West is 5-foot-9 and 160 lbs. with blue eyes.

Source Consideration:


Missing in National Parks and Forest (NPF) is posting this story due to the proximity of Mount Rainier National Park and Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest.

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