Sammy “Sammy” Boehlke was reported missing at/near Crater Lake National Park. At the time of the missing persons report, Sammy Boehlke was 8 years old, 4’08, weighing approximately 85 lbs and is reportedly from Portland, Oregon according to public reports. Sammy Boehlke was last seen near Cascade Mountains, Cleetwood Cove area in Oregon on 10/14/2006. Please contact 541-883-7479 should you have any information regarding the whereabouts of Sammy Boehlke. Below is a situational description relayed to us via direct report, link, or other official correspondence:

The boy and his father had stopped to play tag (hide and seek) on a cinder slope where Sammy saw some yellow he hoped might be gold. As darkness approached and his dad walked a short distance to the car so the two could return to their rented cabin near Diamond Lake, Sammy stayed on the slope, refusing to come down.

Kenneth Boehlke chased up after him, he said, but Sammy, likely thinking it was a game, stayed 50 feet ahead. “I never caught up with him, and at that point he disappeared over the top somewhere and I lost him,” said Boehlke, 48.

The search force quickly increased to more than 200 people combing an area of about 6 square miles, or 4,000 acres. For a week, searchers scoured the area with dogs, helicopters and heat-sensing cameras, but no trace of the boy was ever found. Intermittent searching continued after this despite heavy snowfalls in the area. The park, at 7,000 feet, averages more than 500 inches of snow a year. Technical crews searched the slopes leading from the rim of the caldera down to the water, a drop of 700 to 1,000 feet, even though it was unlikely Sammy would have fallen into the lake because of obstacles on the slope.

Samuel’s photo is shown age-progressed to 19 years. He was last seen in the Crater Lake National Park on October 14, 2006 at approximately 4:00 p.m. Samuel has a mole under his right ear and a mole on the left side of his throat. He was last seen wearing a long sleeve black and green striped shirt, cargo pants, red suede shoes, and a blue winter coat.

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