For a while now, we’ve been restructuring the look and feel of Missing NPF. I’m not by any means a programmer or website design pro, but I had a vision of connecting data in meaningful ways, and I’m happy to report that we’ve been able to find and use low-cost tools that continue to help us achieve that goal!

While the database has been finalized – in terms of formatting – our ‘News’ section has been an element we could never quite connect. As some would know, structuring a many-to-many relationship when using more than one platform is a difficult task to do, especially when you’re not a developer and the project is personally-funded.

This week, we have finally been able to do what we’ve been wanting to for a while now – connect various elements of the website together while utilizing automation to enhance user experience and power site-wide growth.

From this point forward, case updates have a new home – the ‘News’ section, and those updates will systematically be connected to the case file in our database. A new ‘News Search’ has been added to the ‘News’ page, that will display results dynamically once a few letters have been typed as well. We’ve modified the single-post view, adding a link to the case file related to that posting, and a tag list that will make summarizing longer pieces easier. We’ve already included many ways to share our posts on various social platforms, and we’re looking into ways you can subscribe to text updates on newly listed postings, case reviews and case updates!

From social media creators and influencers, law enforcement entities, and you (seekers) I feel confident Missing NPF will soon celebrate its 1-year anniversary – alongside its 20,000 monthly visitors – an even more robust missing persons database.

Thank you for your interest and support, and I look forward to continuing on this journey with you!

© All rights reserved, 2024. Created by Joss and Associates, LLC.