People PEOPLE are those who have been listed in the Missing NPF database. They are not to be confused with PROFILES, which are members of Missing NPF classified as either Seekers, Search and Rescue Operators, or Law Enforcement entities.

This section randomizes relevant case files every 30 minutes.

Places PLACES is the former “Parks” section of our database. These are “places” where public entities believe the PEOPLE listed are most likely to be found based on information available in the public domain.

This listing of Places is completely randomized through artificial intelligent (AI); there are no programs available through Missing NPF that give preference to any particular Place listed in this database. Inquiries related to preferential listing will be denied.

This section randomizes relevant case files every 30 minutes.

National Park

New Mexico

  • 3225 National Parks Highway
National Forest

Entities Entities is the section of our database that lists the investigative entities charged with the investigation into a particular case listed on our database. They can also include public and private agencies that have, in some way, assisted with search and rescue (SAR) efforts or case investigation.

This listing of entities is completely randomized through artificial intelligent (AI); there are no programs available through Missing NPF that give preference to any particular entity listed in this database. Inquiries related to preferential listing will be denied.

This section randomizes relevant case files every 30 minutes.

Points of Interest POINTS OF INTEREST is the former "Locations" section of our databse. These are places of interest where a significant event is thought to have transpired connected to any case file in our database.

This listing of POIs is completely randomized through artificial intelligent (AI); there are no programs available through Missing NPF that give preference to any particular Place listed in this database. Inquiries related to preferential listing will be denied.

This section randomizes relevant case files every 30 minutes.

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