Douglas Branham

  • Found Deceased

About Douglas Branham's case

According to Pahrump Valley Times,

Extreme heat and humidity are believed to be the cause of death of a Washington State man hiking in Death Valley National Park.

As stated in an Inyo County Sheriff’s Office and Death Valley National Park joint news release, a California Highway Patrol helicopter crew found the man, identified as Douglas Branham, 68, of Tukwila, Washington, roughly two miles from the closest road in the park on July 28, 2021.

According to family members, Branham, who missed his scheduled flight back to Washington on July 27, planned to hike from Badwater to West Side Road and back, which is roughly a 12-mile round-trip hike across salt flats, the release stated.

“A family member called The Inn at Death Valley on the morning of July 28 and learned that Branham’s belongings were still in his hotel room,” according to the release. “National Park Service rangers found his vehicle at the Badwater parking lot.”

The release went on to state that CHP’s H-82 helicopter located Branham’s body at approximately 2:25 p.m. on July 28.

“The helicopter rotors struggled to create enough lift in the hot air, and temperatures were about 115°F at the time,” according to the release. “The helicopter landed at Furnace Creek airport to off-load equipment in order to lighten the helicopter before returning with a park ranger to recover Branham’s body. Mr. Branham likely started his hike on Sunday or Monday, when temperatures were up to 118°F, with humidity up to 91 percent.”

As the Inyo County Coroner’s Office is investigating the exact cause of Branham’s death, park rangers urge summer travelers to visit Death Valley safely by hiking only before 10 a.m., or at high elevations.

Officials also advise hikers to drink plenty of water, eat snacks, and if possible, remain close to an air-conditioned building or vehicle to cool down.

Contact reporter Selwyn Harris at On Twitter: @pvtimes

Personal Characteristics

Age / Ethnicity

Gender / Hair / Eyes

Distinguishing Marks

Not Available

Profession / Education

Not Available

Height / Weight

Not Available


Not Available


Last Known Location

Investigative Details

  • Foul Play Suspected: Unknown / Undisclosed
  • Suicide Suspected: Unknown / Undisclosed
  • Cause of Death: Undetermined / Unreleased

Significant Dates

  • Reported Missing: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 (3 years ago)
  • Date Found: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 (3 years ago)


Local Law Enforcement
Local Law Enforcement

Administrative Details

Monday, January 8, 2024 (7 months ago)

Missing NPF Public Identification Number (MPID) 10394

Missing NPF lists “Foul Play Suspected,” “Suspected Suicide,” “Cause of Death,” and other elements of data in association with public reporting. These settings do not reflect the opinions of Missing NPF and/or its staff. Unless explicitly noted, Missing NPF does not publicize opinion, nor are any of the initial reports written – or edited – by members of Missing NPF. All content (with the exception of “IMPORTANT” notices, listed toward the top of applicable case files) are the works of external persons, sources and/or entities. All pictures displayed on this case file have been downloaded from the public domain, unless a user has commented or otherwise transmitted a picture to Missing NPF or its social media accounts. Case updates are derived from external persons, sources, and/or entities, and do not reflect the internal work of Missing NPF, unless expressly noted.

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